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Modern Prohibitionism: The Failure of Tobacco Control to Embrace the Disruptive Technology of Vaping

In recent years, the development of vaping technology has disrupted the tobacco industry. Vaping, also known as electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, is a technology that heats up a liquid (e-liquid) containing nicotine and other additives to produce a vapor that is inhaled by the user. While vaping technology has been a godsend for smokers who are trying to quit smoking, the response from the tobacco control community has been underwhelming. In this article, we will explore the failure of tobacco control to embrace the disruptive technology of vaping, and how this has resulted in modern prohibitionism.

The Failure of Tobacco Control

Tobacco control organizations and government agencies have traditionally focused on reducing smoking rates through public awareness campaigns and regulatory measures. However, the advent of vaping technology has presented a new opportunity to reduce smoking rates further. Despite this, the response from the tobacco control community has been slow and inadequate. Instead of embracing this disruptive technology, many tobacco control organizations have adopted a prohibitionist stance towards vaping.

Modern Prohibitionism

Prohibitionism is an ideology that seeks to eliminate the use of certain substances or behaviors through prohibition and criminalization. In the case of vaping, prohibitionist policies have been implemented in the form of bans on the sale and distribution of e-cigarettes, and restrictions on the use of vaping products in public places. While these policies are well-intentioned, they have failed to address the root cause of the problem: smoking.

The Benefits of Vaping

Vaping technology provides smokers with an alternative to traditional cigarettes that is less harmful and less addictive. The vapor produced by e-cigarettes contains fewer toxic chemicals than tobacco smoke, making it a safer option for smokers. Additionally, vaping technology allows smokers to regulate their nicotine intake, which can help them quit smoking altogether.

Misinformation and Fear-Mongering

One of the primary reasons for the failure of tobacco control to embrace vaping technology is misinformation and fear-mongering. Many tobacco control organizations have spread false information about the risks and dangers of vaping, without considering the scientific evidence. This has led to a climate of fear and confusion, which has prevented many smokers from trying vaping as a means of quitting smoking.


The failure of tobacco control to embrace the disruptive technology of vaping has resulted in modern prohibitionism. Prohibitionist policies that seek to eliminate vaping products have failed to address the root cause of the problem: smoking. Instead, tobacco control organizations should embrace vaping technology as a harm reduction tool that can help smokers quit smoking. By doing so, we can achieve our goal of reducing smoking rates and improving public health.

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